
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And So It Begins...

Hello, all you avid mission-trip followers! Glad you found our blog! This blog is to post pictures, news, and prayer requests for the 2009 RP Missions Team to Airdrie, Scotland. Keep checking in - we ought to have a new post each day! We hope you'll join us in the celebration of advancing Christ's Kingdom here in Airdrie, and that you'll keep us in your prayers each day! Check in later today for a post introducing our team members!

For the Team,

Joel Wallace


  1. Greet to see pics and know you all are on the ground and doing well. We continue to uphold you all in our prayers as you set to the task of proclaiming Christ in the schools and in Airdrie and the surrounding communities! Take care!

    In Christ,

    Matt Filbert
    RP Missions, Director

  2. hey i just saw you guys tonight!! keep up the great work ;)

  3. a few posts each day! you must not be working as hard as us!

