Sunday we heard an amazing sermon by Pastor Andrew Quigley. Found in the book of Judges, God's eternal providence for His people was revealed through the story of Gideon and the army of 300. God continually cut down the army until only 300 stood ready for battle against 135,000 Midianites. Andrew challenged us with a term that I find myself saying quite often. "What if?" "What if" can be a very dangerous and damaging phrase. Often, we find ourselves making the excuse not to share the gospel because "what if he takes offense to it?" "what if they don't listen?" "what if" "what if" "what if"... Did the 300 question Gideon's authority and God's sovereignty with "what if"s? Did Gideon question God as he went into the camp of Midian with only his servant because God told him to? No! "What if" is a dangerous phrase.
Andrew pointed out that Gideon did three specific actions- he HEARD God and His plan, he ACCEPTED God and His plan, and he ACTED on God and His plan. As he lead the attack on Midian, he trusted wholey in God and his plan. The army of 300 went up against the army of 135,000 with nothing but trumpets (because when God comes there will be trumpets), clay jars to shatter (because we are broken vessels), torches (because we come bearing the light of truth- God's word), and shouting (spreading God's word with shouts of joy!). It was an amazing sermon, and of course I butcher it by attempting to paraphrase it. The main message that he was getting across is if we hindered ourselves with "what ifs" and ignore the fact that we have GOD on our side, we are in fact handicapping others from receiving God's word and hurting the mission of the church.
Praise God for hearing His word so passionately preached!
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