
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wrappin' it Up

The many experiences I’ve had for the first time while in Scotland have been phenomenal. One of the new things was going door-to-door, and it wasn’t until I had done a couple of doors that it hit home what I was doing – giving the gospel to people who direly need it, but have no clue! The fact is, though, that no matter what I do; only God can make a ministry effective.

Another thing I’ve really enjoyed was working in the schools. We created a drama about the Exile to show primary school kids that we all do sin, and we all need to ask God for forgiveness. In all of the schools that we went to, the kids participated in the songs and paid attention really well. They all seemed to get the main points of the drama, and will hopefully remember it.

We also went into the secondary school and discussed different issues with the students – anything from euthanasia to the birth of Jesus. I really liked getting to hear the students’ opinions and watching them really think critically and carefully about these issues. In another secondary school we got to share our testimonies with the kids – basically giving them the gospel straight out! That was a new and great experience for me. I hope and pray that our testimonies would relate to those kids, and that they would see the necessity of Christ in their lives because of that.

My favorite part of being on the mission trip to Airdrie, though, has to be the youth group. To get to know these kids only a few years younger than I, and to see how God has worked in their lives is great.
To spend time with them makes me want to push them onward, to help them in their walk with Christ in any way I can. Getting to know them while wigwamming, or at the Church BBQ, or even just on Facebook has been a real blessing.

I would seriously recommend the mission trip to Airdrie to anyone who is considering it – not because of who or what is over here, but because the mission trip provides a very really chance to work for Christ’s Kingdom, and to see the impact that a ministry can have when the focus is not on our glory, but His, and His alone. The opportunity to grow spiritually on a mission trip like the Airdrie one isn’t one that should be passed up.

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